Improving the competitiveness of the food, fishery and agricultural industries and managing the Food and Agricultural Industry Registry of the BAC, which includes the Alcoholic Beverages and Wine Packers and Bottlers Registry; the Basque Integrated Production Operators Registry, the Good and Agricultural Products Certification and Control Entities Registry; the Registry of Artisan Producers of the BAC and the Census of Food and Agricultural Associations.
Advising and funding sectoral initiatives to market food and agricultural products. Fostering and managing the participation of the Basque good, fishery and agricultural sector at trade fairs, exhibitions and trade missions.
Supporting the associationism, professionalism and business cooperation of the food, fishery and agricultural industry; structuring of the sector, including food, fishery and agricultural inter-professional organisation, Forestry Planning and research into food security and production and consumption of sustainable food. Establishing and controlling denominations of origin and guarantee and quality labels of the agricultural-fishery products, controlling the Regulatory Boards.