Bachelor in Arts (with Honors) from DeMontfort University (United Kingdom) and with a Degree (long-cycle) in Economics and Business Studies (specialising in Marketing and Commercialisation) from Deusto University (Deusto Business School); Jon’s academic and professional career has been noted for this integral training that combines creativity, technology and economy, the basic principles of design. Since his company, Ideilan Design, was founded in 2000, Jon has worked on hundreds of projects from different sectors, which has resulted in the design and development of acceleration corridors, lights, furniture, automation, etc, fostering a constant exchange between the manufacturer and his own design study. Special mention should be made of the following among the companies with which he works: ZIV, Thyssenkrupp, Ferqui, Magefesa, Vitrinor and Metro Bilbao.
Apart from his work with companies, Jon has always striven to never overlook his desire to contribute new solutions to everyday problems and is behind a myriad of products that can be found around us: Totem bike racks, recycling pin, ghost support, etc.
Jon’s consultancy work has involved advising companies that were at a turning point in their business strategy. He has helped to resolve and raise new challenges that can be assumed from any type of perspective.
He is currently continuing with his training and his strategic vision, which he has passed on to his students, both at the Mondragón University and now at Deusto University, where he contributes his knowledge of design with an absolutely multifaceted concept.
This ongoing endeavour has been recognised by some of the leading awards nationally and internationally, including: Silver A´Design Award in the Lighting Product and Design award (2017), IDA- Gold Award f5 tourisme Midibus (USA-2013), SPARKAWARDS, Esquare accessory (2013)…
Jon is now engaged in different projects that combine sustainability and a new viability around the world of tourism. TRIPORG, his latest proposal, has been considered as the best App for International Travellers. This striving for constant innovation has led him to embrace the complex world of patents and utility models, stressing the importance of this work that is the first step in the fight to combat industrial copying fraud.
Jon’s great expertise in the field of design has led him to publish his approaches in specific publications and to take part as a member of different associations, including HABIC, IAD and ICCI.
For many years now, he has been involved in social schemes with innovation projects applicable to this sector. He works with the ALC Aguirre Lehendakaria Center for Social and Political Studies or the Casa Roja, which provides shelter for people at risks of social exclusion.