- Degree (long-cycle) in Chemistry from the Complutense University of Madrid, 1995.
- Master’s Degree in Polymer Science and Technology, Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, 1997.
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Public Affairs – ICADE,2015.
- Master’s Degree in Polymer Science and Technology 1996-1997. Institute of Polymer Science and Technology, CSIC (Spanish National Research Council)
Professional experience
THE EARTHGRAINS COMPANY, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 1997-1998. R&D Department, working on projects in different areas:
- Quality control
- Packaging
- Product development
- Process optimisation
CUETARA, S.A., Villarejo de Salvanés, Madrid. 1998-2000. R&D Department as head of packaging, working on projects:
- Packaging design
- Packaging optimisation in the supply chain
- Integrating packaging in the production processes
Those projects were implemented in coordination with the Marketing, Production and Purchasing departments.
- ECOEMBES, S.A.,Madrid, Spain. Packaging waste integrated Management System. 2000-present
- Corporate services and ecodesign manager
- Preparing packaging waste prevention sectoral plans.
- Helping partner companies to design more sustainable packaging Developing services for companies
- Dissemination of the sustainability and packaging achievements among the Public Authorities and other stakeholders
- European and Regulatory Affairs Manager
- Defining the public affairs strategy, identifying alliances with the stakeholders and implementing the planned partnership actions.
- Ecoembes representative to the European institutions (European Commission, Parliament and Council) and other institutional forums.
- Ecoembes representative to the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, Parliament (Congress and Senate).